We avoid using antibiotics in our farming practices, opting for natural methods of promoting animal health and wellness.
In the very are event that antibiotics are needed for life saving reasons, the animal will be separated from the herd and not processed for consumption.
$4.75/lb on hanging weight + butchering costs. Your balance will be due upon pickup.
$5.30/lb on hanging weight + butchering costs. Your balance will be due upon pickup.
Final cost $995. Your balance will be due upon pickup.
Final cost $515. Your balance will be due upon pickup.
1 lb / pkg
2.5 lb. average
20 oz / pkg
1 lb. average
.5 - 1 lb avg.
.5 - 1 lb avg.
20 oz / pkg
24oz avg.
5 oz. average
2 cuts - .75 - 1 lb avg
6-8lb avg.
1 lb / pkg
3 back and neck pieces/pkg.
1 Quart
12 wings / pgk | 1 lb avg
1 lb. average
2.5 lb. average
9oz avg. | Pkg
8oz average
22oz avg.
5 oz. average
1 lb / pkg
1 lb / pkg
1 lb / pkg
100% Grass-Fed Beef
1 lb avg
1 lb avg
1 lb / pkg
20 oz / pkg
1 lb. avg
2-3 lb avg / pkg
1 lb avg
lb avg
1 lb / pkg
2 cuts
1 lb / pkg
lb avg
20 oz / pkg
1 lb avg.
1 lb / pkg
1.5 lb avg
$4.50/lb on hanging weight + butchering costs. Your balance will be due upon pickup.
4-5 lb avg
$5.05/lb on hanging weight + butchering costs. Your balance will be due upon pickup.